Sunday, March 1, 2009

~ . Story Time . ~

I get swept up in stories. They surround me and engulf me, making me feel warm or small or large or happy. That defines a part of me, which I like very much.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

~ . Currents . ~

Air currents
social currents
water currents
black currents

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet the Installation Artist Ray Lee today, in a small group. I was encouraged by how simply and how naturally he spoke about his art. His piece, "Sirens," was stunning, and it was wonderful to have such an intimate viewing environment.

I had the sudden desire while experiencing the installation to change the speakers from playing electronic frequencies to recordings of people humming.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

~ . Winter Still . ~

A = It is winter
B = I write often
A ---> ~B
So, ~B.

A valid argument with unexplained (but not inexplicable) premises. It is getting warmer, and thoughts are more fluid again.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

~ . Winterland . ~

Dale Chihuly
Israel, October 1999

Winter has come to town. Frozen hands and frozen ears. Slow driving. Hot chocolate. Too hot or cold. Lights decorating the zoo and souvenir mugs. Christmas songs (we like and hate) and people eating too much food. Holidays and ringing bells; people having things and others needing things and many loving things and people. Wintertime is here again and long nights foster vivid dreams which may or may not be realized after the turning of a new year. Still, while snow is white there is hope.

Friday, November 28, 2008

~ . Giving Thanks . ~

A Brief List Of
Things To Be Grateful For

- Family
- Friends
- Love poems
- People who make you laugh
- Autumn walks with cold air and warm sun
- Winter car rides with Christmas music
- The first warm days of Spring
- Late Summer nights
- Music

- Food:
- Fresh Baguette
- Sourdough toast
- Cheeses
- Watermelon
- Mango
- Humus
- Falafel
- Good Pizza
- Chips & Salsa

- Beverages:
- Wine
- Cranberry Juice
- Water
- Spiced Cider
- Lemonade
- Iced tea

- McDonald's orange drink

- Art Supplies:
- Adhesives
- Fabrics
- Clay
- Paint
- Paper
- X-acto knives

So many other things, but these are coming to mind right now... I love Thanksgiving! It's a reason to celebrate without retailers pushing products (I guess ag. farmers and grocers get their time to shine) and without religious affiliation. What a tremendous way to trumpet the beginning of Christmas! I can't wait to start my own family and build my own traditions!

p.b. It is amusing/ ironic that I value the fact that Thanksgiving doesn't have a religious affiliation then plaudit its trumpeting of the beginning of Christmas.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

~ . Picture Pictorialism . ~

Let's, you and I, go
for a walk by the moonlit
pond in the forest.

Edward Steichen

Thursday, November 20, 2008

~ . All I Have To Bring . ~

IT ’S all I have to bring to-day,
This, and my heart beside,
This, and my heart, and all the fields,
And all the meadows wide.
Be sure you count, should I forget,—
Some one the sum could tell,—
This, and my heart, and all the bees
Which in the clover dwell.

Emily Dickinson